Thursday, June 19, 2008

Manglik Dosha Remedies

Magalik dosha, also called Mangal dosha, is one of the most fearsome dosha of Vedic astrology which is responsible for early death of partner if both the partners are not at the same level of dosha. What is manglik dosha is the topic for another post, so I am leaving that for future post. What I want to write here is the remedies for Mangal dosha, which is not very easy to find on Internet. Here are some of the most effective remedies for Mangal Dosha -
  • Kumbha Vivah, Vishnu Vivah and Ashwatha Vivah. Ashwatha vivaha means the marriage with peepal or banana tree and cutting the tree after that. Kumbha Vivah, also called Ghata Vivaha means marriage with a pot and breaking it after that. More detailed can be found in -Dharam Sindhu and Mahurat Chitamani.
  • Keep Kesariya Ganapati (orange coloured idol of Lord Ganesha) in worship room and worship daily
  • Worship Lord Hanuman by reciting Hanuman Chalisa daily
  • Mahamrityunjaya paath (recitation of Mahamrityunjaya mantra)
  • Feed birds with something sweet
  • Keep ivory (Haathi Daant) at home
  • Worship banyan tree with milk mixed with something sweet
It is advisable to consult some good Vedic astroler in order to assess the level of dosha and maleficity. It is important to know the level of mangal dosha in order to come up with the right remedies.


  1. I went through some astrology websites and came to know that I have Manglik Dosha. Please let me know is this correct?. Also, I have consulted one Astrologer and he said that if I marry after 05/01/2010, there won't be this eefect. Please let me know inputs.

    My DOB is 11th June 1982
    time of Birth: 01:54 AM

  2. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Namaskar Guru g
    Iam a blogger and want to know as many astrologers say to me that Iam manglik plz clear me

    My detail is:
    Place is: village kurali dist. meerut (U.P) INDIA.
    day -sunday
    That iam manglik or not

  3. Anonymous8:06 PM

    I have been loving a girl for last 2 years, but when we matched both horoscopes we came to know she has mangal dosha, we want to marry but i do not know how our life is going to be. Please advice
    MY details - 25/11/1981 time 8:10AM
    Her details - 11/02/1982 time 9.00AM

  4. Anonymous11:46 PM

    I have been loving a boy for last 2 years, but when we matched both horoscopes we came to know that I have high mangal dosha, we want to marry but i do not know how our life is going to be. Please advice

    MY details - 1st June 1981 Time - 7:05 PM IST
    His details - 13th January 1981 Time - 10.40 PM IST

  5. Anonymous3:44 PM

    boy & girl gotra is same "bhardwag". both brahmin is defrent distric resident. it marrage is posibal or not

  6. Anonymous3:17 PM

    hi i wnt to know i am manglik or not birth date is 15/06/85.time; 8:45 saturday.

    plz tell me...

  7. Anonymous10:51 PM

    Please Advise, what is the intensity of mangalik dosha
    My details - Female, 20 aug 1984 1:40PM IST

  8. I have been loving a girl for last 6 years, but when we matched both horoscopes we came to know she has mangal dosha, we want to marry but i do not know how our life is going to be. Please advice.there is any upays
    MY details - 14/12/1986 time 07:47AM,ludhiyana(punjab)
    Her details - 19/04/1987 time 07:34pM, meerut(UP)

  9. hi sir...i am in relationship with a girl..but she is manglik and i m non-manglik..we want to get married. i want to confirm whether she is manglik or not....plzz advice whether life after mariage will be fine ...

    my details
    10 may 1986 (7:35 pm,lucknow)
    26 oct 1987 (7:38 am,delhi)

  10. Anonymous4:08 PM

    pls advice expected date of my sister marriage name rakhi sharma
    DOB-8 feb 1980,time 8:10 am, delhi,manglik
    tel: 011 29250128
    pls email:

  11. prachi2:02 PM

    I have been loving a boy for last 5 years, but when we matched both horoscopes we came to know that I have high mangal dosha, we want to marry but i do not know how our life is going to be. Please advice some remedies for me to nullify the effect of manglik dosha

    MY details - 27th July 1988 Time - 7:55 am, dehradun
    His details - 11th september 1987 Time - 2.36 am, jallandhar

  12. Anonymous10:36 PM

    I came to know recently that I have mangalik dosha which has really upset me. Please advice.
    My details 21st June 1972, Kanjirappally, Kerala

  13. will a person be called a manglik if the mangal is in the second is very important to know the intensity of mangal ipersonally feel that mangal dosha is very much on temparamant of a person if the person is very aggresive it may cause a lot of quarrel between the partner. if we compare a girl or a boy of conserative family ipersonally feel that the effect will be less. late marriage also reduces the effect.matching of horoscope should be done

  14. Anonymous11:50 AM

    Please let me know if i am manglik and also explain about its level. i came to know from somone that i am "AANSHIK MANGLIK" and i can marry to a non - manglik boy.

    28th jan, 10:16 P.M., 1985, KANPUR(U.P.), INDIA

  15. Anonymous11:47 AM

    hi sir...i am in relationship with a boy..but he is not manglik and i m manglik..we want to get married. i want to confirm whether life after mariage will be fine ...
    MY details - 31th oct 1986 Time - 7:35 am, kalyan maharashtra
    His details - 16th september 1984 Time - 3.30 am, chakan pune

  16. // hi sir...i am in relationship with a boy..but he is not manglik and i m manglik..we want to get married. i want to confirm whether life after mariage will be fine ..//
    Marriage Matching is a serious stuff. Please get a detailed matching done by an astrologer. Mangal Dosha is only one factor among several other factors like 36 points match, shadashtak and more importantly potential of individual chart. It must also be seen whether Mars (Mangal) is malefic or benefic in your chart.


  17. I want to say that, I have medium mangal dosha. If I want to marry him whom has low mangal dosha, then will this marriage preffereble?

  18. @Saheli Das, yes, one level of Mangal Dosha difference is fine if other factors are good. Have a look at this video - for more info.

